Prayer (or something like it)

The awe of a new place, that’s prayer. Wonder-drenched wanderings, prayer too. Shaking off fretfulness to focus on just this one particular, precious moment: prayer. Laughter that shakes loose something long forgotten, a lightness of being, a freedom; that is also prayer. Standing in the presence of art, anything that you decide is art (there... Continue Reading →

Tequila Never Made Me Feel Like This

Every morning of my late twenties dawned with sickening dread. Every morning. I’d wake up and immediately begin the slow slide into the murky depths of shame. And fear. And regret. Anxiety gripped me like a vise, making it hard to breathe. I hated myself, pitied myself, held dear a storied mythology of myself. What... Continue Reading →

Wrong Side of the Bed

Wake up, brain churning, moving toward the to-do list, sucked into its gravitational pull. But the list reeks of scarcity and scrambling. Reset. Gratitude isn’t cosmic & significant this morning.  It’s dog videos and raisin toast and the kid in her unicorn shirt--looking the perfect combination of the baby she was & the grown person... Continue Reading →

Book Nerd Love (a Thank You)

Almost 2 years ago, I got this wild idea to open a bookstore. What could be better for an extrovert with an immense enthusiasm for both people & books, right? Except that I tend toward the risk-adverse. And I have a well-documented history of sticking with what I'm good at. Running a business? Well, that... Continue Reading →


“We are going to move away from the only home you’ve ever really known,” we said. “Okay,” she said. “We know that you’re leaving behind friends and family. It’s okay to miss them, and it's okay to cry.” “But I will get to live in the same place as my best friends. And their moms.... Continue Reading →

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